Q Where is Akso Health headquartered?

Room 515, Floor 5, Jia No. 92-4 to 24 Jianguo Road

Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020

People’s Republic of China

Q When was Akso Health incorporated?

Akso Health was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on April 25, 2016.

Q How many employees does Akso Health have?

As of March 31, 2021, Akso Health had 113 employees.

Q When did Akso Health list itself on the NASDAQ Global Market?

Akso Health became a publicly listed company on November 3, 2017.

Q Where is Akso Health stock traded and what is the ticker symbol?

Akso Health’s ADSs trade on the NASDAQ Global Market under the ticker ‘AHG’.

Q Who is Akso Health’s legal counsel?


Q Who is Akso Health’s independent auditing firm?

Wei, Wei & Co., LLP

Q How many ordinary shares does an American Depositary Share (“ADS”) represent?

One ADS represents three ordinary shares.

Q When does Akso Health’s fiscal year end?

March 31.